

Sold Out - 1024/1024

When were these minted?

'Ethereals' collection was minted on 09/12/2021. 1024 mints sold out in less than one hour - at a price of 1.5 SOL per NFT.

How many pieces are there?

1024 total. Ethereals mint size is meant to be small, unique and scarce - not for scarcity sake, but in the interest of creating a community around GAN-based fine art.

A Note About "Rarity":

Any rarity amongst Ethereals was unintentional. There is no synthesized rarity, only naturally occurring rarity. So is there rarity? Yes, but it's not baked into the stats. It's our opinion that minting, and then immediately skimming stats has become boring. In the case of Ethereals, intentional rarity became an unnecessary distraction from the art. Each piece is meant to stand on its own with it's own randomly occurring attributes.

Where Can I See All The Entire List of Pieces?

On ExchangeART.

What is your roadmap?

We plan to continue releasing more collections and integrating EnigmaExpanses pieces into various Solana NFT financialization products.

What’s the goal of this project?

Our goal is to participate in the growing Solana based NFT community by bringing a unique and beautiful collection line of GAN-based fine art. We hope to serve as a liaison for collectors into the new world of GAN-based arts.

Where are Ethereals sold?

Currently, Ethereals are sold on:

Exchange Art:exchange.art

Magic Eden: magiceden.io

Where Can I Contact You?

For press and gallery inquiries, contact us at:EnigmaExpanses@protonmail.com